Blogging Is More Profitable Than You Think



 A blog gives you a voice 

  • Blogging is a great way to earn money while having the flexibility to work from anywhere. You can earn money from your blog even when you're not actively working on it, making it a convenient option for those with time commitments. 
  • To build your online brand Blogs, create relevant content to increase website traffic. Businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without one, according to a study by HubSpot Marketing. Blogs are a great way to keep a website updated with fresh content.
  • To improve your writing ability and learn new skills. Starting might feel awkward and unfamiliar. But as you become more accustomed to writing, you’ll notice it getting easier. The words will flow more smoothly and with greater efficiency, and you’ll craft a style that’s uniquely your own. Additionally, there are numerous AI tools now to assist you throughout your journey. 
  • Blogging is a powerful educational tool. It allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with interested readers while continually learning more to share. This teaching exchange can also lead to earning through the creation of digital educational materials, making blogging a rewarding endeavor.
  • It's fun! Blogging allows you to earn while writing about your interests. It's a platform where you can share your thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with the world. This process of self-expression can be incredibly rewarding. It's truly a winning combination of pleasure and profit. has an excellent article on Why You Should Consider Blogging.

Launching your blog

Blogging vs Videos

While both blogging and video production can be profitable, they don't have to be mutually exclusive. A strong online presence often includes a mixture of both. Blog posts can be repurposed into video scripts and vice versa, expanding your reach and potential revenue. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your content creation preferences, your targeted niche, and how you best engage with your audience. 

Everyone being online, blogging presents distinct advantages as a data-driven business model, particularly regarding income generation. Text-based content has a proven track record of generating passive income. When you think about how online purchases are predominantly made through text-based links, you start to see the power blogs hold as sales drivers. Unlike video content, which lacks direct purchasing options, blogs provide a direct pathway for sales conversions. Blogging also offers longevity, SEO benefits, various monetization avenues, brand-building capabilities, flexibility, and the ability to repurpose content. For those looking to earn money online, blogging is definitely an option worth exploring. 

How to Start a Blog in 2024

Step 1. Pick the Right Blog Topic

Before starting your blog, do some quick research. Google prefers sites with a clear topic, and people specialize in specific skills and topics. Blogging is now a Google-driven business.

Are there any blogs on this topic that have a Facebook page with more than 10k followers?

Are there any blogs on this topic with more than 25k Twitter followers?

Are there any Google ads when searching for keywords and phrases related to this topic? 

Do any words or phrases related to this topic generate more than 100,000 searches in Google’s Keyword Planner tool? These questions will help you determine whether there is an audience for your blog topic.

Step 2. Pick a Domain Name 

After you've decided on your blog's topic, it's time to select a domain name, which essentially serves as your blog's web address.

When choosing a domain name, try to keep it simple and easy to remember: One that is easy to spell and remember will make it easier for visitors to find your website. Avoid using numbers and hyphens, as they can cause unnecessary confusion. 

Step 3.  Set Up Web Hosting 

Suppose you want to start a blog for yourself and are not concerned about who reads it at first. I would suggest that you create a free blog. There are plenty of ways to start a blog for free, but certain paid features and tools can help boost your credibility and subscriber count.

 By purchasing hosting, you’re renting space on the internet to “host” your website, which means that you own it, you can monetize it, and you can make it look just the way you want it to! All blogging sites hosted on Bluehost thrive with speed, security, and peak performance. Bluehost makes it super easy because they have tech support 24/7, so any questions you have during setup will be answered immediately!

When you design your blog, make it as user-friendly as possible. Your readers should be able to navigate your site easily.

A blog host is a company like Bluehost or SiteGround that stores all of your blog's files and delivers them to the user when they type in your blog name.

 You can start your blog for only $2.95/month in a few easy steps with Bluehost.

Step 4. Start creating your Blog Content

When launching your blog, try to have at least five posts ready to be published and at least 5 more scheduled for future release. This not only gives your readers an idea of what to expect but also prevents last-minute scrambling for content ideas. If possible, go for ten posts!

Becoming a successful blogger is a learn-as-you-go process.

I hope these tips have helped you start a blog journey today!


In the footer of every blog post, make sure there’s an opt-in offer of some type! It's another excellent way to grow your email list. You can prompt readers to sign up for new updates from your blog or opt-in to receive content from your weekly newsletters.your

Starting a Blog


In order to generate income through affiliate marketing as a blogger, joining different affiliate programs is essential. Going for the high-paying ones is usually best, but keep in mind some might have smaller commissions.

 I recommend checking out:

  1. Share A Sale (they have some high paying programs)
  2. Creative Market (Digital products, themes, graphic designs)
  3. Amazon (All Niches)
  4. Capcut (Video Editing)
  5. Convertkit (Email list builder)
  6. Teachable (Course creation)
  7. Tailwind (Pin scheduling tool)
  8. Awin (Similar to shareasale)
  9. CJ Affiliate (Similar to shareasale)
  10. Siteground (Hosting Company)


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How to Be a More Productive Blogger

How to Be a More Productive Blogger

Blogging Basics

"Do something instead of killing time because time is killing you.” – Paulo Ceollio

Blogging Frequently Asked Questions


You really don’t need much to get started. There are many free platforms to get started.


The most common ways are through advertising, affiliate marketing, or the site you’re writing for.



Plugins are small pieces of software that add additional functionality to your blog. There are thousands of both free and paid plugins available.To find plugins, you can search the WordPress plugin directory. You’ll need plugins to help customize your site without code.


Depends on what you're writing about and who you're writing for. Popular suggestion is at least 2,000 words per post. It sounds like a lot, but trust me - Google and readers both love longer content. Longer posts, is more chances to rank higher on search engines, and more opportunities to build connections with your readers.


It really depends on the affiliate marketing program that you apply for. Some have specific requirements but others don’t! This goes for brands as well. Some brands require you to have a specific amount of followers but some brands will give you deals if they notice you have an engaged audience!

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